Welcome To PGDIS!
Here find the latest information concerning Preimplantation Genetics and the work of the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society.

Dagan Wells
presidentFellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, the Royal Society of Biology and the Institute of Biomedical Science.
Joris Vermeesch
president-electHeads Cytogenetics & Genome Research with focus on genomic technologies, structural variation, mosaicism detection.
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In order to enjoy the benefits of PGDIS membership, you must be a current member of the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society. The PGDIS Benefits include:
Lowers Meeting Fees, subscription to RBMO Journal
PGDIS is globally respected in PGD field and your association is priceless
As a member you can impact PGD policy-making
You are joining a thriving, global pgd research community
You will have opportunities to network with renowed pgd researchers
We are committed to helping PGDIS Members connect, grow, and succeed